Hello to our dear readers here at Baking Cakes Galore, its Rosie’s daughter here - Miss R. posting on her behalf. My mum sends you her apologises for her absence and asked if I could update you.
Regrettably since mum’s last post, her ongoing back problems took a turn for the worst, with mum taking bed rest, waiting for the pain to subside and the healing process to take its natural course. She is finding mobility currently difficult, although managing now on her walking sticks around the house. Dad and I are missing her scrumptious homemade cooking and baking, but we are managing to muddle along without our head chef in the kitchen. Dad takes everything in his stride and has told mum not to worry we can get by come what may. This must be the first Christmas mum hasn’t baked her usual Christmas fare goodies. This being her favourite time of the year for cooking and baking, it doesn’t help her frustration of longing to get back to normality, and pottering around the kitchen.
Mum would like me to send you her apologises for her lack of homemade baking, which she would have liked to share with you some new scrumptious bakes! She is missing you all very much and looks forward to the New Year when hopefully she will be back with you and offering up some delectable homemade bakes once again!
There are some gorgeous Christmas bakes etc on mums old Blog, just click this link [HERE] and we hope you will enjoy!
All that is left to do is to wish every one of you a very joyous Christmas and may the New Year bring you much happiness from us all here at Baking Cakes Galore!
Regrettably since mum’s last post, her ongoing back problems took a turn for the worst, with mum taking bed rest, waiting for the pain to subside and the healing process to take its natural course. She is finding mobility currently difficult, although managing now on her walking sticks around the house. Dad and I are missing her scrumptious homemade cooking and baking, but we are managing to muddle along without our head chef in the kitchen. Dad takes everything in his stride and has told mum not to worry we can get by come what may. This must be the first Christmas mum hasn’t baked her usual Christmas fare goodies. This being her favourite time of the year for cooking and baking, it doesn’t help her frustration of longing to get back to normality, and pottering around the kitchen.
Mum would like me to send you her apologises for her lack of homemade baking, which she would have liked to share with you some new scrumptious bakes! She is missing you all very much and looks forward to the New Year when hopefully she will be back with you and offering up some delectable homemade bakes once again!
There are some gorgeous Christmas bakes etc on mums old Blog, just click this link [HERE] and we hope you will enjoy!
All that is left to do is to wish every one of you a very joyous Christmas and may the New Year bring you much happiness from us all here at Baking Cakes Galore!

I am really sorry to hear this. We miss her and her baking and hope she'll get well soon.
My thoughts are with her and please tell Santa to give her a laptop for Christmas so that she is not bored in bed all day.
Love you Rosie and Happy Christmas.
So sorry to hear! Hope you get well soon, and we can see you back on the blog!!! Merry Christmas to you!
So sorry to hear this and my prayers go out to you so that you will be well soon!
I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you will get better soon.
I miss your posts!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Rosa xoxo
Dear Rosie (and the family), I'm so sorry you are still not feeling better I really wished the bad times were over ! I hope soon you will recover and cover all of us with royal icing and sweet deliciousness !! A big hug
O, I am so sorry to hear that the backproblems are still persisting!! Wish your mom all the best and tell her that we are all hoping she will be allright soon! Have a wonderful christmas despite the health problems!
Dear Rosie. Take care of yourself and get well soon xxx
missing you..get well soon..take care..
Oh Rosie, we've MISSED YOU!!! Hope you're up and about SOON!! Please thank your Daughter for letting us all know what happened!! We've been Worried!
Have a Wonderful Christmas and New year!!!
PS- Ask Santa to bring you a laptop computer...HAHAHAHahaa!!!
So sorry to hear that you're not feeling well Rosie!! We really miss you. Take care and get well soon dear! Thanks to Miss R for updating us! Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you and your family!!
So sorry to hear of your back problems. Hopefully you will heal soon.
Merry Christmas and Hapy New Year!
Take care of yourself. Merry Christmas to you and your family. We'll see you soon.
Im so sorry to hear about Rosie's back problems! I think its bad enough having a bad back for a couple of days let alone long term. Please send my hope and wishes to Rosie to recover really soon.
I'm a Sweet and Simple baker and we miss Rosie! Wishing you the best for a speedy recovery!
We have missed her!! Hope she gets back to full health and is back in the kitchen soon. We'll still be here, waiting for her. :)
I hope you feel better! I was glad to hear from you!
Hi R
Pass my sincere regards to your mom..Rosie shall again show us the way, as she has always done ! Have wonderful reunion..the baking delights are worth looking, as usual.
Rosie sorry to hear about your back problems. Just take it easy. Do hope the new year brings better health for you. Have a happy Christmas.
Dear Rosie,
finally we have an update on your blog. Have heard that you were unwell and kept wondering how you are doing. Hope you are doing well. There will be plenty of time to catch up once you are well again, so do rest very very well in the meantime.
Thanks Miss R for updating us!
Have a blessed Merry Christmas!
Oh, I have almost forgotten about the cookies in the first pic, I have to buy one of those when I go to the U.S later this week:)
HAd hopped by specially to leave a little wishy whishling for Rosie and was thrilled to find a cutie post by u....
Rosie,miss u @ sweet & simple bakes and v v sorry to hear about ur troubling back...
The best i can do is dart a heart felt special heartfull of prayer for u....
And wishing U dear Rosie ,Ur husband and daughter & family a great Christmas and happy holidays and yeah am going thru all ur Christmas posts....
BEjinhos e boas festas e feliz natal....
Happy holidays....
Merry Christmas!
I have been wondering and thinking of you Rosie. Hope you are soon on the road to recovery!
Merry Christmas!
rose m realy very sorry to hear that!!! wish you and yers a very happy new year 2010!! :)
Rosie, So sorry to hear that you are suffering with your back, you poor soul. I have missed your posts so much. Though you have been with me in spirit as I made your Honey and Mustard Glazed ham for Christmas - and it was a delight! Thank you for still continue to inspire me :) Hope you managed to have a Happy Christmas, despite everything. Wishing you a speedy recovery and peaceful 2010. Love Lucie xx
Dear Rosie Sorry to hear aobut your health problem. Wishing you all the best and hope the New year will bring you a much better health.
And to Miss Rosie, we too miss your moms baking very much so i can imagine how much you all at home miss rosie's baking.
Hi Rosie Happy New Year! I hope you are feeling better and I wish you all the best for 2010. :-)
So sorry to hear that Rosie. I hope you're feeling better soon! We miss you, too! I've been MIA too but only due to life with kids. :)
Merry belated Christmas & Happy New Year!
Oh Rosie, how much I have missed you! I wish you a speedy and complete recovery as I know how miserable back pain can be. I sure hope you are well soon.
Take care and Happy New Year to you and your family, my friend.
Very sorry to hear about your back problems and do hope 2010 finds you in much better health and that you will be able to get back to your baking again.
Wishing you a Happy & Healthy New Year
Get well soon Rosie! May this new year bring you the best of everything and may you return to providing us with your sweet posts soon!
Best wishes to Rosie - hope she feels more like her old self soon.
I'm sorry to hear this too. I really hope you are on the road to recovery now Rosie. Happy New Year. xx
I'm sad to hear your back is playing up again. Take cae of yourself and give your back the rest it needs.
Much as you're missed, you health is more important.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year.
I wondered if it was your same old back problem that has kept you from blogging Rosie.
A belated Happy New Year and I hope you make a speedy recovery very soon. Mx
I hope this problem goes away soon. You are always such a positive person, cheering all of us up. I wish we could return the favor.
We are waiting for your return.
love the blog im following you could you follow me too
Dear Rosie, I'm very sorry to hear about your current condition. My thoughts and prayers are with you, for a speedy recovery. Thank you, Miss R, for updating us. My warm wishes to you and your dad. Take care, all.
Poor you, hope you are up and about soon.
Do you have an e-mail address where I can contact you please? I have some yummy Fairtrade baking recipes I want to share and don't want to hijack the comments page!
Hi there
Just checking in to see how Rosie is? I hope you are at full recovery and hope to speak soon.
David x
So sorry to hear your mother is experiencing back pain. As someone who went through it myself and then had to have one of my hips replaced, I know how overwhelming it can be for both her and your family.
Sounds as if she has a great family, and, honestly, that is the best healer. Nothing like being surrounded with loving, caring people to get you back on your feet (of course, having good insurance and competent doctors help, too!)
Just found your blog and hope to spend many happy hours exploring it and its predecessor.
Here's hoping your mum is doing well and getting better!
Hi Rosie,
You have such a lovely and delicious blog, and so I have a gift award for you , pls drop by and collect them at your convenience.
Hope u get better soon.Take care.
Hi Rosie! Sorry to hear about your back problems troubling you again and hope it gets better soon! We miss you and your lovely blog posts! Take care ; )
It's been a while. I hope you are getting better.
wow so sorry to hear...been a while. i hope its better...
Just wanted to stop by and pay tribute to Rosie and say how much she will be missed. Love to the family.
I am so so sad to hear about Rosie. She was wonderful person and the moment I met her from the first comment she did on my blog we connected. I will miss her so much.
Rest in peace Rosie/jules.
Am so sorry to hear about dear Rosie; my deepest condolences to the family. May she rest in peace.
I am deeply devastated with what I found out just a few minutes ago. Jules aka Rosie, was a dear friend and she will be greatly missed. My condolences to the family. May she rest in peace.
To everyone is Rosie's family.... it was with great sadness today that I was told of your great loss. Rosie was a kind and thoughtful woman and I will miss her. I'm so very sorry that she is no longer with us ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I'm so sorry. Rosie will be missed.
Rosie touched many hearts with her cheer and talents in the kitchen. I'm glad to have known her, even if for a short while. May God bless you with strength. My deepest sympathies.
My deepest sympathies. Rosie will be missed by us all.
Am so sorry to hear about the loss..Will miss you dear Rosie!
GoodBye Jules...Gods Speed!!
Dearest Jules aka Rosie,
Thank you for your guidance and inspiration for me to take up baking again.
I will still visit you and your blog just to say 'Hi' and be inspire again.
My deepest Condolence to her loving family.
R.I.P Jules and God Bless her.
Rosie you will be missed ... your cheerful disposition and scrumptious sweets were always an inspiration. I will visit here often to read through your recipes and bake them fresh for my family as you so often did for yours.
Condolences to Rosie's family, her blog showed how vibrant and full of life she was as well as her kind heart and love of making sweet treats for her family and friends. Her sparkling personality will be missed.
We will miss u and ur great passion..Condolences to family...Bring out a book on her recipes..
My deepest condolences to the family. May her soul rest in peace.
Jules, I'm really going to miss you and am finding it hard to imagine never having our chats and laughs like we often did. You were always such a wonderful friend to me and friends like you are hard to find. Sleep well my dear friend!
My dearest and lovely Rosie I know always I will miss your words, your sense of humor and many things, thanks by believe always in me, thanks alot, "see you" in other life, your friend gloria, xoxoxox
A big hug to your family!!
Just wanted to say how sorry I was to hear the sad news. My thoughs are with Rosie's family, she will be missed.
naice..:) :) keep uploadin d cool stuff
check out my sketches and my photographs at my blog
Miss you Rosie xxx
I love your blog!
Please check out mine at...
Thanks :)
Rosie - you will be deeply missed. You got me to first start baking and without Sweet and Simple Bakes, I would not be the confident baker I am today. Thank you.
i am hungry
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What a great blog!
This looks so delicious!
Have a nice time!
Miss you Rosie ... I do! Thought of you today while doing iced cookies!
Just learnt about Rosie... Was here to check on her health and am so sorry to know about her... my deep condolences to the family.
And it’s been a year that you haven’t updated your blog. I look forward for more new recipes :)
Merry Christmas Jules in 2010...from This side from me, to You on That side....missing you...
I'm sorry!Best wish to you and your family!
Miss R, I do hope your mum is feeling better now. My best regards to her, you and your family. Take care.
Hi Rosie, hope you're feeling a bit better now.
Hi There!
Great cake love your ideas to!
We have lots of products at Kleeneze that you might find useful.
Have a great day,
You can buy Pan Grease or make your own. This is used as a substitute to greasing the pans then dusting them with flour when directed by the recipe to do so. Keep unused portion in an airtight container and refrigerate to use for your next batch of baking.
love it!!!! :)
Just thinking of you Jules...
I know you're in a Much happier place...
Be careful about your health problem..Be Well soon .I am waiting for your next blog post...
Its too bad it had to come to an end i wish you all the best in your baking endeavors.
Thanks to a brilliant effort in publishing your article. One can be more informative as this. There are many things I can know only after reading your wonderful article.
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Stunning..!!! it made me stop and to look into it deeply, its so wonderful i wana appreciate you from the bottom of my feelings, fantastic keep it up.
I have to give this recipe a try! My sweet tooth is craving a fresh batch of these!
Wow!! What a great writing, really I appreciate such kind of topics. It will be very helpful for us. Waiting for more articles, blogs like this. I’m going bookmark your blog for future reference. Thanks a lot for sharing this.
It's almost Christmas time again Jules...2 years now, you've been gone. I know you're in a better place and are baking up a Storm!Hahaaaa....Miss you!
Merry Christmas Jules...
nice one cake :)
I guess this blog is dead now :-(
Not updated since 2009 :-(
It looked great too
The owner of this blog passed away several years ago. Her name was Jules and she was a sweet friend.
The blog has been left up for us to go through and enjoy her recipes...
Miss you "Rosie"...
Great post and some really useful tips there. I love resource lists like this. Have social bookmarked it in the hope that others can also benefit.
The antients used Christinaity to initiate the "Beginnning of The End". Along the way they used it to initiate other tools which they will use to further mankind into decay and towards the Apoocalypse:::USA, "democracy", capitalism/corporations.
Of the tools they have used, religious, political, economic, social is by far the most damaging and seems reserved for those who have experienced each tactic:::
The god's social tool promoted moral decay, whether sexual, behavioral, professional, etc. It created an enviornment where indecency is the norm.
The dogs are dead.
And they're still incurring evil from their prior life(ves).
Junior Seau is a good example::The real, a 20-something in her next life, making progress, so the gods allow her clone host fake to committ suicide, allowing her off the hook incurring evil in her prior life. AND close the restaurant, her legacy in capitalism.
Al Davis should be so lucky.
The antient's leaders, politicians, celebrities, corporate executives, scientists/professionals are clone host fakes, fresh out of high school who woudln't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Without the gods doing their jobs THROUGH THEM they'd only be good for playing with themselves.
Because of their use of clone host fakes the gods have created a blameless society where nobody takes responsibility for the destruction which has occurred.
The BODs, CEOs and wealthy are fakes fresh out of high school, the gods no longer push anyone into it and instead used temptation, and the result is devistation the gods won't "make up" to the disfavored anymore.
There was a very real perception that bi-racial was much worse for the white than it was for the person of color. The liberal culture, which was designed and promoted with the god's tools to achieve their Apocalyptic goals, screamed racism when there was a very reasonable explanation for this reality::::
In this white punishment known as the United States the person of color has already adopted the disfavors/temptations intended for another race. But by associating/mating with a person of color the white is newly adopting the disfavors of another culture.
And this is the reason why people of color are not welcome in the United States. The gods control everything:::The perception they want to create, the thoughts they want you to have.
People of color can't recover from absorbing the temptations from two cultures. And why they become more and more like so many blacks in America:::Veterans at absorbing the temptations of two cultures.
To further illustrate this is why California's educational system/funding was ranked #1 when California was white:::Education being the basis of the affluent economic system. Now even public higher education has become unaffordable.
The gods behave monsterously in the course of managing Planet Earth, matching our decay, but they demand people be good if you are to have a chance to ascend as a child in a future life.
Not only is doing the right things important (praying, attoning for your sins, thinking the right way:::accepting humility, modesty, vulnerability), so is avoiding the wrong things important as well:::"Go and sin no more".
You NEED active parents who share wisdom to have a real chance to ascend into heaven in a future life, and you MUST be a good parent as well to have that opportunity in your next life.
Merry Christmas!!! So sorry to hear about you! i lovetoo just not very good at it! I'm following you!!! Would you follow me? -Tina
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Cute Blog! I love the holiday recipes.
Great blog will be back, yummy cupcakes.
Goodbye Rosie...This site, I believe, has served it's usefulness...just spammers now.
May you be smiling from above and enjoying your new life...Always Love to you friend!
so nice blogger
Hey guys!
So, i know these are the kinda comments that people hate but I would love if you guys checked out my blog!
I have a new blog all about baking and would really love if even a few checked it out!
Thanks you so much! :)
Dear Rosie (and the family), I'm so sorry you are still not feeling better I really wished the bad times were over ! I hope soon you will recover and cover all of us with royal icing and sweet deliciousness !! A big hug
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Can't believe it's been 6 years since you passed, Rosie...I think of you everytime I see a cupcake...
The owner of this blog passed away several years ago. Her name was Jules and she was a sweet friend.
The blog has been left up for us to go through and enjoy her recipes...
Miss you "Rosie"...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years Sweet Rosie...
We all knew a time when 1 BitCoin was worth more than $13,000 then it suddenly just crashed and now worth just $6,000.
People never seem to know and understand the reason behind these drop and i will explain that to you.
There was a total amount of BitCoin generated from the start by the developers at first and since its becoming valuable there was need to generate more of it. You all didn't get that right? Let me explain better.
So imagine from the beginning the developers of bit coin generated 10,000,000 BitCoin at first. Now these 10,000,000 BitCoin circulated to individuals, so when the 10,000,000 BitCoin was already owned by individuals all over the world it started increasing in value.
Now the developers saw that thier crypto currency has gotten more value but less individuals owned it, there was need to generate more of it for more individuals to own.
And what better way is there to generate more of BitCoin?
1 BitCoin = $13,000.
10,000,000 BitCoin = $130,000,000,000.
So there is $130,000,000,000 in the internet.
Then the idea came to the developers!!
Let's crash the price of BitCoin, use the remaining amount to generate more BitCoin.
That is:
Since BitCoin has built $130,000,000,000 in the internet, cut the price and generate more.
I mean
1 BitCoin = $13,000 then Now
1 BitCoin = $6,000
So from 1 BitCoin, 2.2 BitCoin can be generated.
Now the question is where is the newly generated BitCoin?
It's are everywhere in the internet!!!
Its in every website you enter.
Its in every social media platform.
Its anywhere in the world!!
Its in North America.
Its in South America.
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Its in Asia.
Its in Europe.
Its scattered everywhere!!!
All you need to do is start Mining it.
Now how do you start Mining these crypto currency?
There are lots of BitCoin Mining software I will recommend Web'Miner.
Its a software developed by an organization in China "Soft Tech Geeks". Have been using it a lot, I Mine anytime I want and have been making a lot from it.
Some will say, why is he sharing it now?
Some will say, if that's how easy it is why not Mine alone? So you can get it all for yourself.
Well the developers are smart, they put a mining limit to it. The idea was not for a single person to have it, or for a particular group of people.
The idea was for everyone, everywhere in the world to posses these crypto currency.
If you need help mining BitCoin, feel free to email me
Bella Monreal
Or you can email SOFT TECH GEEKS directly
Muy buena articulo, da mucho de pensar.
Thank you! This is super helpful and well written!
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Take care of yourself. Gob bless to you and your family.
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